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Sexual Identity

Sexual identity is how one thinks of themselves regarding whom they are sexually and romantically attracted to. Sexual identity and sexual orientation sometimes fall under the same umbrella. However, your identity is how you identify yourself whether it be ‘gay’, ‘straight’, bi-sexual etc. Your sexual orientation is who you are actually attracted to. Some people may have a different sexual identity compared to their orientation as they may not want people to know who they really are.


Sexual Identity is important as if you are identifying as someone who is ‘straight’, but you are actually attracted to the same sex (gay), this can lead to self-doubt and confusing times about discovering your true self. Who you are sexually attracted to should match up with how you identify yourself to the world. There are so many different ways in which people can identify themselves as, sexually. Gender Identity and Sexual identity are not the same. For example, a man who transitions into a woman and is attracted to only men would identify as a straight woman.


Being gay, lesbian or bisexual is compatible with positive mental health and social adjustment, so a large amount of research suggests. Because of this, professionals who are supporting struggling teens will not encourage them to change their sexual identity. Instead, helping them to feel comfortable in their own skin and learn how to love themselves as they grow up and start to change both physically and mentally.

Common Sexual Identity terms and what they mean;

Straight/Hetrosexual - someone who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex

Gay/Lesbian - someone who is sexually attracted to the same sex

Asexual - no sexual attraction towards others

Pansexual - someone who is attracted anyone, no limit in regard to sexual choice

Bi-sexual - someone who is sexuality attracted to both males and females

Queer- An umbrella term that relates to different aspects of sexuality

Some videos to have a look at! 

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