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Being single

Being single is a really positive way to be as a teenager. Remember: you’re not the only one who’s single. Ignore the couple brigade and focus on the stuff you like to do. There’s heaps of things out there to enjoy as a single person.

It’s okay to be single

Whether you are single or in a relationship it does not say nothing about who you are or your values as a person.

In our lovey-dovey society, where magazines, movies and books are full of stories about falling in love, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re the only single person in town. Just remember it’s always okay to be single!

Friends have benefits

Being single doesn’t mean being lonely.

You’re young, free and independent. You’ve got mates who care about you, who like you for exactly who you are, and who want to share fun times with you.

Even if you’re an introvert, being single gives you the time and opportunity to forge those fabulous one-on-one friendships that you’re so good at.

Be true to yourself

Being in a relationship can seem like a really cool idea, and when the right person comes along it can be great.

But not all relationships are created equal. So never sacrifice who you are, or what you want (whatever that may be), just so that you can tell your mates you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. It’s way better not to be in a relationship than to be in a bad one.

Tips for ignoring the couple brigade

We’ve all met those annoying people who question why anyone would ever be happily single. Often that’s because they lack the imagination or a strong enough sense of self to not be in a couple. They might even imply that there’s something wrong with you if you’re single and happy! The best response is just to say, ‘I love being single’ and then change the topic of conversation.

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