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Setting Goals 

Definition: the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable goals and timeframes.

Setting Goals 

Setting goals is an important skill to have and helps with your mental health. 

Setting goals allows you to reflect and have perspective on what is happening at this point in time 


How do I begin to set goals for myself?

Stage One 

When you first begin to set goals start out small then build up to bigger ones, setting goals of what you want to achieve in a morning or day.To others such as work, school and sport  SMART Goals...

Stage Two

Each time you make a goal try to make it harder to achieve. At the same time remember to make it realistic and not so hard, that you are unable to achieve it. As you want to see some outcomes ...

Stage Three

Keep track of the goals you have set and completed as well as the ones you have set and are to complete as it shows you a visual record of what you have been able to achieve...

Setting goals will allow you to achieve the small things within each day,creating a sense of achievement, which ultimately creates a more positive mental health. For example as school can be a very stressful environment,by setting a few goals, you are able to tackle the work load bit by bit and see the final outcome in your grades.

Goals that benefit your mental health can be used as motivational tools, that encourage you to pursue your dreams and give you reasons to stay productive and keep thinking positively.


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The ATracker app is a way to have more insights to how you are spending your time as well as having a sections to keep track of your goals and achievements 

When you are setting goals, it is easier to follow the smart goal staircase. This is a model to follow that helps you in acheiveing your SMART goal in a realistic way. 

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