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See how you can gain confidence and express yourself in unique ways to be happy in your own skin.

This channel is coming soon!

Vibe yourself

go out into the world and slay the day being comfortable in your own skin.


Smiles are contagious, make yourself feel happy as well as others

Find a hobby

Find something you really enjoy, get motivation and inspiration from it

Give someone a compliment

Boost someone else's confidence, it will make both of you feel awesome

Be passionate

Share what you think is important, speak up and create positivity!

Get out of your comfort zone

Try something new, explore the world and find some passion to make you feel amazing

Block out the haters

Don’t let anyone cramp your style!

Give yourself a compliment

Boost your day! Give yourself a pickup.

Think positive

Avoid the sad times and think of the benefits of the day

Be curious

Let your mind wander, what are you striving for?

Be thankful

Appreciate the small things in the day, it could just be the sun shining

Believe in yourself

You can do anything! Go forward and try something new

Take in your surroundings

Take a moment to look outside, take some time for yourself and notice where you are and who is around you

Get active

Move your body, don't slump away all day and waste your precious time

Be yourself!

You are you! There is no one better than you. You are the best you.

Social Anxiety

Many people experience social anxiety. We all feel shy at times, we all feel scared to express our opinions and personality to people we are not comfortable around. Here are some ideas on how to overcome social anxiety.

  • Write notes: write down how you feel, what you say and what you want to say. This will help you notice your weaknesses in social situations and improve how you express yourself

  • Create goals: give yourself some motivation to go out and do what you want to do. Live for something and be passionate about it. This can be short term or long term. For example, going for a run that day. This isn't hard but you will feel proud and gain confidence from it

  • Find people with the same interests as you: Having interests in common with people creates flowing conversations and ability to communicate with others with passion. It helps you express your opinions to others and takes you out of your comfort zone to meet new people.

You are awesome! Being confident is a way of expressing yourself and your personality. Confidence is contagious. Walking into a room and giving someone a smile makes someones day and not only lifts their confidence, it also give you a boost of confidence too. Happiness is the key to confidence. Find things that make you happy, passionate and what you really believe in. This will help you communicate with people and hold genuine conversations which make your mind wander and appreciate the relationships that you can gain with each other through being confident and speaking for yourself.

Comparing yourself to others

This puts ideas in your head in what you think you should be. You can not change who you are and need to be proud of yourself.

Dr. Seuss quotes “you are you, there is no one else who is youer than you." 

This is a perfect representation on what you are! We tend to search instagram and social media, looking at people who have a perfect life and “love themselves.” No one is perfect and we all have our off days and looking through lives that are unrealistic to us creates jealousy and brings our confidence down.

  • Try going on a social media detox!

This will clear your mind of what society follows and make your mind wander into natural things in life. You will notice your own strengths and create passion and inspiration for yourself to be confident in your own skin.

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